Acting on behalf of the landlord, Eddisons has confirmed the letting of three modern warehouse units, with offices, in Huntingdon’s most established industrial trading location.
The local office of Eddisons had sole agency on the units at Tower Close on the St Peter’s Road Industrial Park, where the space, totalling over 57,000 sq. ft. was being offered to let in part or as a whole.
The new occupier of two of the combined units (2,394.47 sq. m./25,774 sq. ft.), numbers 7 & 8 is an operator involved in the development & supply side of the brewery trade.
Unit 9 (2,196 sq m/31,968 sq ft) has been let to a company specialising in relocation services to the scientific & laboratory sector.
According to Eddisons’ Huntingdon agents, St Peter’s Road Industrial Park retains its pre-eminence as the Cambridgeshire market town’s high profile industrial location due to its proximity to the A14/A1(M) interchange and onward road connections to the M6, M11 and the East Coast ports.
For more information about industrial units to let in and around the Huntingdon area, contact Matthew Hunt at Eddisons, tel 01480 571578, [email protected], or through eddisons.com.