Plans for a new business park in the Cambridgeshire market town of St Ives look set to command the attention of companies wanting to benefit from proximity to Cambridge in what some commercial development interests are positioning as a new phase in the extension of the city’s business corridor.
That’s our assertion as agents for Barnack Estates Ltd, the developer of Trinity Business Park - the proposed new mixed commercial business scheme on the northern fringe of St Ives.

A planning application for Trinity Business Park has been made to Huntingdonshire District Council following the granting of outline planning consent over two years ago (June 2022) and our confirmation of the unconditional sale of the site last year (March 2024).
Ahead of the planning application submission, Barnack Estates Ltd has been working closely with partners - including Cambridge Regional College - in promoting ideas for the development across the community, as well as bringing forward companies looking to invest and grow in the St Ives and Huntingdon area.
We, in turn, as the appointed agent on Trinity Business Park, have begun to market both Design & Build freehold and also leasehold opportunities across 142,000 sq ft of business accommodation in units on the proposed scheme.
Subject to planning approval, the scheduled timescale for development should see site works begin in the first half of this year (2025), followed by construction of speculative business units in the summer.
Delivery of the first phase is anticipated in the first quarter of 2026.
The new business park is designed to appeal to businesses in a range of sectors, including hi-tech and R&D, as well complementary, supporting sectors.
Simon Parsons, Director, explains, “In a region of high growth and ongoing economic investment, as a new development, Trinity Business Park will offer firms the chance to acquire either, by way of freehold or leasehold tenure, bespoke commercial premises that meet the needs of their operational requirement.
“It’s a highly commutable location from a number of compass points on the A1(M) and A14. St Ives offers a strategically sound and affordable solution to companies with a requirement and desire to benefit from Cambridge, but who feel the combined cost pressures of the city’s highly competitive labour market and limited availability of good quality business space.”
Speaking about the planning application, Barnack Estates’ Managing Director, Vanessa Pomeroy, added, “St Ives is ideally placed geographically for SME businesses to thrive and expand. From our experience in developing high quality business parks, we have ensured the Trinity Business Park design is an attractive and landscape-led environment that we know will be desirable for companies, their staff and their clients.”