Talking Trusts Speaker Spotlight: Jeff Marshall, J & G Marshall
In the lead up to our Talking Trusts Event, our Speaker Spotlight series will introduce you to our panel of experts as well as their area of specialism.
Today, we meet Jeff Marshall of J & G Marshall.
What does a strong trust mean to you?
A strong Trust is one that is centred in doing what's right for children. It is run by people with the right skill sets and right mindset making the right decisions for the right reasons. It creates something bigger than the sum of the parts and utilises every asset to make children feel safe, valued and able to learn. It recognises and values staff and listens to parents. It does not focus solely on academics and considers all aspects of the Trust - including estates - to gain incremental improvements.
Why should people attend this event?
The recent White Paper has brought academies back into focus and now all schools - and existing Trusts - must take stock of the direction of travel, the options facing us all and the benefits and risks of each. Obtaining quality support and guidance from external agencies will be key to making the right decision for the school or Trust. The people presenting here are enablers in this.
What should they expect to learn from you and/or your business?
The skills and mindset to make the right decisions followed by on the ground support and practical guidance to move forward into the academy world and be supported post conversion. We cover the mechanics of converting to academy status and develop the people who will run it. This joined up approach to strategic and operational will take a lot of the pain away in the journey.
About Jeff Marshall
Jeff is Managing Director of J & G Marshall Ltd and Marshall Professional Development Ltd. He has been a school Governor for 28 years and Chair for 22 at one of the first Primary Schools in the country to become an academy. Jeff has supported over 280 school to academy conversions and has personally undertaken over 100 External Reviews of Governance on Maintained schools and Academy Trusts.
Catch Jeff Marshall at our free education breakfast seminar on 10th November 2022, 9:30am - 12:30pm at Bowcliffe Hall, Leeds.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talking-trusts-event-tickets-427765396817