Electrical wholesaler fired-up by area’s potential
An independent electrical wholesaler is set to open a new trade counter in St Ives next month (February) following the conclusion of a deal which saw the Huntingdon office of Eddisons incorporating Barker Storey Matthews act as agent on behalf of the landlord.
The 1,833 sq ft (175 sq m) Unit 5 at Joiners Court, off Nuffield Road in St Ives, will be the first premises in the area for GDA Electrical Wholesaler Ltd whose only other location is in Bedford.
Established in 2016, the wholesaler serves trade and retail customer bases and is opening the new Joiners Court trade counter to serve an existing customer base and to tap the potential for new customers in an area where, it believes, there is not a strong electrical wholesaler presence.
Gerald Sylvester, Director, GDA Electrical Wholesaler Ltd, confirmed that the company had been looking for business premises in the area for six months before securing the Joiners Court unit where the main attractions were its location, the new-build unit itself and its easy access.
He added, “On opening, we will initially staff our St Ives branch from our current team of eleven staff but we will be looking to recruit locally as the business grows.”
Stephen Power, Director, Eddisons - who led the letting instruction - said, “Unit 5 is the final unit available to let at Joiners Court which is a brand new terrace of industrial units in the main industrial, commercial area of St Ives where other occupiers include Parker Rose Kitchens & Interiors and Tech Tile.
“The new occupier’s property requirements were typical of the kind of enquiry with which we dealt throughout last year and also in the first month of 2021.
“The industrial slice of market looks set to continue to be the most active.”
For more information about industrial premises to let in the St Ives, Huntingdon and St Neots areas, contact Stephen Power at the local office of Eddisons incorporating Barker Storey Matthews, 01480 451578, [email protected] or see eddisons.com/barker-storey-matthews.