Eddisons completes Grade A office letting in Bury St Edmunds
Acting as joint sole agents on behalf of the landlord Pigeon, Eddisons and Merrifields have completed the letting of a first floor office suite at Linden Square to an established regional solicitor’s firm.
Ellisons Solicitors will be relocating to larger offices in the town centre from their existing premises at Guildhall Street to meet increasing client demand.
The 4,413 sq ft Grade A office suite is situated within the highly sought after business district and provides open plan accommodation benefiting from air conditioning, suspended ceilings, meeting rooms and onsite parking.
The property is located in the heart of Bury St Edmunds town centre, adjacent to the Arc Shopping centre and with excellent road links to the A14 and A134.
Guy Longhurst, Managing Partner of Ellisons Solicitors, commented: “Wanham Longhurst & Co who we merged with marks its 40th anniversary this year, and as the successor practice, it couldn’t be a better time to be relocating to further enhance the service we are able to offer to our existing and new clients and contacts. We know our clients really like our existing Bury St Edmunds location because it is so convenient for them. It is why we are moving just round the corner, so we can continue to offer the best possible service they have come to expect from us.
“We are really looking forward to enhancing the experience and services we can provide our clients while still maintaining our excellent location, right in the heart of Bury St Edmunds.”
William van Cutsem, Investment Director at Pigeon, said: ‘The decision made by Ellisons to relocate to Linden Square reinforces our belief that the market for prime Grade A offices remains strong. It is clear that the long?term shift in working practices, following the Covid 19 pandemic, will see a continued move towards higher quality accommodation such as that offered at Linden Square as employers seek to remain attractive in the increasingly competitive battle for talent.”
For more information on office units to let in Bury St Edmunds, contact Simon Burton at Eddisons on 01284 715005 or [email protected].