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Joining the team through an apprenticeship scheme



"Learning does not have an expiry date!"

Anne Stephenson has worked in our Newcastle office since 2019, and recently changed careers to become a surveyor through a degree apprenticeship.

As an administrative assistant, she was surrounded by surveyors all day long, and there was a lot of excitement about one particular staff member.

“There was a buzz in the office about the impressive graduate, Mike [McGoldrick], who had won a prize for his dissertation, he was that good!” Anne says.

“I remember being surprised, then rather cross with myself when I discovered he had undertaken his degree as a rather ‘mature’ student. I was cross with myself for being subconsciously biased in my thinking that degrees were only attainable for young people.

“After chatting with Mike, I had the courage to attend an open day at Northumbria University where I found out about the degree apprenticeship scheme.

Apprenticeships at Eddisons
Not only do we hire apprentice surveyors, but we understand that each industry has opportunities for alternative learning and training. At Eddisons, we currently offer apprenticeships in Accountancy, Project Management and Real Estate, and we’re just getting started.

Discover more on our Apprenticeships homepage.

”Degree apprenticeships are not the traditional avenue for most building surveyors, but it is a brilliant option for those who can’t adapt to a full-time schedule of classroom learning.

“The degree apprenticeship seemed the perfect fit for me, as I could combine studying whilst continuing to work with the most terrific team.”

Anne worked with the Eddisons’ Newcastle team during Covid-19 and they all grew closer as a result, and she was saddened at the idea of not having the chance to work with them if she did have to go to university full-time.

“I also feel the workplace is the best place to learn via day-to-day experience.  I am inspired by seeing what the team achieve and I enjoy drawing on their wealth of knowledge and experience, applying this to real life tasks at work.”

Staying at Eddisons

Northumbria University was the best place for Anne to embark on this new adventure and Eddisons wasn’t a choice at all – she was firmly staying!

Richard Steedman is my workplace mentor and is great with me – as are all the team. Adam Finch, my line manager, and Richard explain things really well, and are always planning new things for me to be involved with.”

Working at Eddisons takes up around 75-80% of Anne’s apprenticeship, with the rest of the time spent in the classroom. The collaboration between Eddisons and Northumbria University is crucial in ensuring Anne’s progress.

“Regular meetings are held with me, Richard, and my apprenticeship mentor to check that I’m on track.

“I’ve formed a good relationship with my fellow apprentices at university, even though I am much older. We have plenty in common and try to see each other in person to catch up on everything that’s been going on.”

A typical day in the life...

As Anne has said, she is fully stuck into the work, and so most days for Anne are not too dissimilar to a graduate surveyor.

“I work in the office for 3 days, and have a day of university work, which is all set online. Richard and Adam set up work for me, leaving me to liaise with the rest of the Eddisons team in Newcastle – most of what we do is collaborative so it’s often a team effort!

“Recently, I’ve been involved in a portfolio for 18 schools, carrying out condition surveys. The task involved us all, getting the work done and delivering it in a standardised way. I’m able to ask questions as I go – every day is a school day! The learnings I take on are recorded and fed back on the Aptem apprenticeship system.

As a senior surveyor, Richard has the benefit of being qualified to understand the technical quality of work, whilst still understanding the rigorous training that being a surveyor takes. This particular portfolio really highlighted Anne’s promise.

“In addition to the surveys, Anne carried out further research off her own back into historic planning permission, which has been used in the reports to clarify how the site has changed over the years.

“We have varied upcoming work planned for Anne to assist her learning and, through working with her for a few years now, I have no doubt that she will take it all in her stride.

“At this early stage of the apprenticeship, Anne has been fantastic.”

Being older than your average apprentice would worry the most sure-footed of people, and Anne was no exception. But she needn’t have worried at all!

“The most surprising – and probably the nicest – part of this experience is how easy it’s been to fit in on the course. Initially I worried about not being accepted by the class, but this couldn’t be further from reality. Learning does not have an expiry date!

Being able to take part in a degree apprenticeship in the familiar environment of the Newcastle office has been a real help to Anne.

“The greatest benefit has been to stay and grow in ways that help my team achieve more. I see myself at Eddisons for a long time - doing something I find worthwhile and enjoyable – and I’m so grateful to have this opportunity.

“I personally believe that the degree apprenticeship route is a brilliant way to build on what you already know, stay in the world of work, and learn through actual experiences. For a career like surveying, in my opinion, there is no better way to achieve qualification than through doing it!”

We’re so proud of Anne for taking the plunge and getting stuck into her building surveying degree apprenticeship. She’s inspired us to grab opportunities, and we hope she’s surveying with Eddisons for years to come.

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